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Possible Ways Employees Steal From Your Business

Do you know how your employees steal from you?


This is Alfonso from Simplify.
Many businesses are victims of fraud perpetrated by their own employees, especially businesses in which the same employee carries out numerous tasks at the same time. For example, a coffee shop or a bakery, where the same person that is the cashier is also responsible of making drinks, etc.
There are times when cash can be stolen from the cash register by not being inputted in the POS system. That’s skimming. For example; a client purchases something and pays with cash. The cashier then takes the money, but does not register the item being sold in the system (even though the money they took is inserted in the cash register). At the end of the day, there will be extra money in the cash register, and that will be the amount that is taken. The owner of the shop has no idea about this and won’t know about it, because the transaction was not registered, therefore there’s no way of tracing it.
In Simplify we audit your sales to avoid these type of frauds from happening, and we let you know what is happening in your business when you are not physically there.
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